Selecting Your Driving Instructor |
Most people choose to learn to drive with a qualified driving instructor, you only need to look in your local Yellow Pages or search on the internet to find an instructor in your area. It can be quite a task to decide which instructor you choose to learn with as everyone you speak to will have their own opinion about who is best to teach you to drive. However selecting your driving instructor will be as much about word of mouth than anything else, you could also telephone the instructor and ask what their pass rate is if they cover your area. Once you have selected the driving instructor of your choice, you simply need to give them a call and arrange your first lesson. It is entirely up to yourself if you would prefer to learn to drive with an independent instructor who may have their own driving school or to go with a larger well known driving school. The cost of these two options will be very similar and should both provide the same level of service. There are pro’s and con’s to each option, an independent driving school may be based in your local town or at least in your local area, this means that they can often be more flexible. Additionally they may be slightly more competitive in terms of cost as they are dependant on word of mouth and will try to build up an exceptional pass rate. On the other hand a larger established driving school may have more modern vehicles and the instructors may receive continued training which will benefit you the customer. Some people prefer the more personal aspect of a local driving instructor as they see larger driving schools as being faceless. However you couldn’t be more wrong, larger driving schools have placed a considerable effort to overcome this perception. Driving instructors will not only be highly qualified but they will also be as friendly and helpful as possible. Furthermore you will always get the same instructor so your progress will be swift and you will be in for your test before you know it. Whichever option you decide upon, make sure that you are happy with your instructor and don’t feel obliged that after your first lesson you must stick to that instructor. It is perfectly acceptable to change instructors until you find one which you feel comfortable with and one that you feel is offering you the best level of service to enable you to pass as soon as possible. Also you need to be comfortable enough to ask any questions you may have, not just now but in the future. |
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